Kroma Audio Mimi and Julieta
On Saturday 13 and Sunday 15 April, PUUR audio, video & domotica demonstrated the newly acquired Kroma Audio Mimi and Julieta in their showroom.
First Listening Room – Kroma Audio Mimi
Prior to this event, I had heard the Mimi on several occasions. While I was immediately impressed when first hearing it during the Munich High End, and even as an owner of Kroma Audio Carmens, I was still surprised at the amount of energy and vividness that I heard in the PUUR demo room with the McIntosh MTI100. Clearly, this combination works like a charm and at under 20K Euro, this setup offers very good value indeed.
This picture really does not show the scale of the room. About 5 meters wide, probably just as high and infinitely deep, it was remarkable how these speakers filled the room with beautiful sound. The MBL equipment is just sitting there, looking pretty, not connected.
Here’s Daan Vreeswijk, one of PUUR’s owners, selecting the next LP to play
Robert Brijde, the other PUUR owner, queueing a record
Here’s Ben van Leliveld, explaining the technologies behind the Mimis.
Second Listening Room – Kroma Audio Julieta
If I was impressed with the Mimi’s performance, the best was yet to come. The Julieta’s were set up in an even larger room than the Mimi’s but they filled it effortlessly. The may be classified as monitors but their sound is gloriously rich and absolutely full-range. In fact, although I have not heard them in the same room, I’d still say that they come very, very close to sounding as big and effortless as the Carmens. Big, wide, deep, richly colorful, warm and smooth yet transparent and effortlessly dynamic, these speakers have a performance that is immediately captivating.
I tried my best to capture the Julieta’s beauty but this picture still is only an approximation of the real thing.
I am a big sucker for industrial design and really like the minimalist look of the PUUR showroom. In the foreground is one of the two Piet Boon “Klaar” floor lamps.
The electronics are a Goldmund Telos 590 NextGen integrated amp and a LUMIN Music U1 server/streamer. The Goldmund amplifier no doubt also has something to do with that gloriously rich sound.
Left to right: Ben van Leliveld, Robert Brijde, Daan Vreeswijk, and Kees Wijnberger, relaxing inbetween poses for the camera lady (Henriëtte Wiessenberg)
PUUR audio, video & domotica – Daan Vreeswijk & Robert Brijde
Website: puuravd.com
Showroom location:
Skoon 80
1511 HV Oostzaan
Phone: (020) 722 09 05
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