Graham Audio

Graham Audio LS3/5 and LS3/5A with SUB3 premium
The LS3/5A a world-famous mini-monitor that is loved by many. But what not many may know is that this was not actually the first incarnation of the model. In this article, I will describe the audible differences between the LS3/5's and LS3/5A's. In addition, I will listen to the SUB3 stereo subwoofer system that is designed by Derek Hughes specifically to work with these speakers.
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23 November 2019
Graham Audio LS5/9, LS5/9f, and LS5/8 premium
The Graham Audio loudspeakers have an absolutely fabulous midrange. Vocals sound incredibly natural and highly convincing and there is a superbly lyrical and immediately emotionally involving quality to the delivery. It's not only that the midband is superbly liquid, it is also highly faithful to the source, much more so than most other cabinet speakers.
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