Chattelin Audio Systems – Master of Sound 2

5.1 Demo by Bert van der Wolf of Spirit of Turtle
Alas, I could not attend this December 9 Demo. I much would have liked to as I know from the previous event how much fun it is, and also I am a huge fan of the Vivid speakers that were used.
In order to be able to report on this show anyway, I asked audio buddy Big Niels to take some nice photos, so that I can hopefully bring across a bit of the atmosphere without having been there.
Niels told me that it felt like really being present during the recording and that all sounds were naturally around you, the same way as they would be with a live performance. After hearing this and reading Ben’s Dutch press release (which I have translated below), I certainly plan to attend the next show again!
Above: those handlebars are actually tubes to provide loading for each driver with exponentially tapering to gently cancel reverse energy from the drivers. The lower midrange driver’s tube is inside the big curve, as is the woofer’s big tube.
Below is a translation of the Dutch press release provided by Ben van Leliveld
Bert is world famous for his 5.1 surround (and now even 9.1) recordings of the musical top in classical and jazz. With very active cooperation of Ewald Verkerk from Terrason Audio, who provided no less than 5 Vivid Giya4 speakers and 5 Mola Mola amplifiers, a 5.1 system was built which already surprised during the sound check.
Above: Ewald Verkerk of Terrason Audio
The Northstar Studio by Bert was literally moved to the large demo room of Chattelin. What a musical party, what a feeling of presence and emotion. The 10 channel Merging NADAC served as the source with new NADAC linear power supply that was in direct contact with the server containing studio masters.
Like the previous event, food and drinks were well taken care of
Once again an enthusiastic audience found their way to Chattelin. What followed was one wonderful evening of jazz and classical music and excellent explanations by Bert van der Wolf why he believes in 5.1 for high-end replay.
The ultimate time machine to the original recording location, in all audiophile parameters his recordings take you to the space where the performance took place. He even surprised with real firsts, such as the raw mixes of a baroque chamber orchestra that he had recorded in Prague a few days ago.
Left: Ben van Leliveld, Right: Bert van der Wolf
In the audience there were a number of professional musicians from among others the Radio Philharmonic and Synfonietta. After having heard two performances, they called in astonishment that this is one to one the sound they experience themselves. As if you were sitting in the conductor’s position.
5.1 reproduction on a high-end level was very convincing, perhaps the best and most realistic sound ever heard according to an American audio critic. The sense of presence, dynamic ease, tonal purity. This evening was a major emotional roller coaster.
The system with the NADAC, Mola Mola amplifiers, Velodyne subwoofer and Viviv Giya4 speakers was the ultimate tool to do this demonstration. Discussions about class D amplification and the like became silent. The proof was in the sound.
More events are planned in 2018 so keep an eye on the website below!