GigaWatt PowerSync, PowerSync PLUS, PowerSync ULTRA, and LC-2 EVO power cables

Review samples supplied by Ohm Audio
Retail prices in the Netherlands, including 21% VAT:
PowerSync – €240 for 1,5m
PowerSync PLUS – €360 for 1,5m
PowerSync ULTRA – €1.125 for 1,5m
LC-2 EVO – €550 for 1,5m
Extra length available per 50cm
PowerSync custom lengths “off the reel” – €45 per meter
For this review, I am covering four GigaWatt power cables: three models from the new PowerSync range and one from the longer-standing LC range.
Detailed technical specs can be found below, but in a nutshell, the cables of the new PowerSync range all utilize thick litze wire conductors whereas the LC-2 EVO cable utilizes solid core conductors. In that light, the LC-2 EVO may seem out of place in this context but I wanted to include it in this group test, precisely because it is so different in construction, and I am curious to find out just how it compares.
Left: PowerSync PLUS (thicker cable; Right: PowerSync (thinner cable)
The PowerSync is the entry model of a new range of GigaWatt power cables that was started by the PowerSync ULTRA, which was previously known as LC-3 EVO.
The PowerSync cable has a diameter of 11 mm. Its conductors are made from 5N purity OFHC C10100 copper that was annealed to get a homogeneous structure and better conductivity. The cable consists of three wires with a 14 AWG (2 mm2) cross-section, insulated with PE dielectric. A single wire contains 10 strands with a diameter of 0.514mm. The conductors as well as an additional drain wire are protected with a static shield made of plastic laminated aluminum foil.
The tight construction of the screen, covering 100% of the cable surface, protects against unwanted external EMI and RFI noise and prevents the formation and propagation of internal interference. The conductors are covered by outer insulation of GA 70AT03 material, further surrounded by a nylon mesh braid. All conductors are connected to the plug terminals mechanically, without soldering. As standard, the cable is equipped with high-quality proprietary power connectors GigaWatt G-010 and G-030 with Nickel plating but it is optionally also available with a choice of IEC C19, NEMA 5-20R, or AS/NZS 3112.
This cable can also be purchased “off the reel” for 45 euros per meter, to make your own cables.
PowerSync PLUS
The PowerSync PLUS is the next level up in the PowerSync cable family.
The PowerSync PLUS cable has a diameter of 15mm. Its conductors are made from 5N purity OFHC C10100 copper that was annealed to get a homogeneous structure and better conductivity. The cable consists of three wires with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2, insulated with PE dielectric. Each lead contains 12 strands with a diameter of 0.514mm. The conductors are protected with a static shield made of plastic laminated aluminum foil.
The tight construction of the screen, covering 100% of the cable surface, protects against unwanted external EMI and RFI noise and prevents the formation and propagation of internal interference. The conductors as well as an additional drain wire are protected with a static shield made of plastic laminated aluminum foil.
The whole is protected by a three-layer outer jacket, which consists of a combination of two layers of nylon mesh and a layer of dense glass fiber braid. All conductors are connected to the plug terminals mechanically, without soldering. As standard, the cable is equipped with high-quality proprietary power connectors GigaWatt G-010 and G-030 with Nickel plating but it is optionally also available with a choice of IEC C19, NEMA 5-20R, or AS/NZS 3112.
PowerSync ULTRA
According to GigaWatt, the PowerSync ULTRA is the best copper power cable they have ever produced. Previously labeled LC-3 EVO, the PowerSync ULTRA is technically close to the brand’s top LS series.
The PowerSync cable has a diameter of 17 mm. Its conductors are made from 99,997% pure copper (OFHC C10100, 5N), additionally subdued to an annealing process, which allows them to gain a uniform structure and better conductance. The design is an 8 x 1.5 mm2 wire, where each lead consist of 7 strands, spun in a tight pitch. Twisted conductors ensure significant cable inductance reduction, maintaining favorably high self-capacitance.
The wires of the cable are protected by a static shield, made from laminated aluminum foil. The tight construction of the shield covers 100% of the surface of the cable, protecting against all kinds of external interference, and EMI and RFI noises. In addition, the shield prevents the appearance and spread of internal interferences as well as returns parasitic currents to the ground wire. In the construction of the cable, a lot of attention was devoted to the reduction of the vibration created by the electromagnetic field induced around the conductors.
All wires and the shield are covered with elastic material to dampen unwanted vibration. The cable is additionally protected from the outside with an antistatic braid, which prevents static charge accumulation.
The PowerSync ULTRA uses the highest quality proprietary power connectors. Their massive construction ensures extraordinary durability and reliability. The casing of the connectors is made of compact aluminum. The conductive materials of the connectors are made from rhodium-plated brass, which guarantees low impedance and a large amount of connecting cycles without degradation. The connectors were additionally subjected to cryogenic treatment and de-magnetization. All conductors are connected with no use of tin, and plug connections are bolted which minimizes plug impedance and guarantees reliability.
The PowerSync ULTRA is designed for advanced audio systems and due to its large conductor cross-section, it is particularly recommended for applications related to high power consumption but of course, also works very well with lower-power-consuming components. It is well-suited as the cable to power the power distributor that powers the entire system.
The LC-2 EVO is part of a longer-running, different, series and this cable deviates from the PowerSync models by using solid core conductors rather than thick Litz wire.
The wires are made up of seven 99,997% pure copper (OFHC C10100) solid-core conductors, each with a 1,5 mm2 cross-section, additionally subdued to an annealing process which allows them to gain uniform structure and better conductance. The wires are arranged in a weave geometry which guarantees a steady, unthrottled current flow and does not allow any interference to appear at the output end. On the other hand, its comparably high intrinsic capacitance, which is caused by the cable geometry and the characteristics of the dielectric, provides filtering and damping capabilities for a wide range of interference.
The insulation of the conductors is made of flexible material PK90AT28 with a very low dielectric constant. The outer jacket is made of a soft insulating material GA 70AT03, which suppresses undesirable vibrations. Additional protection of the cable is a light grey, wear-resistant plastic braid.
The wires of the cable are protected by a static shield, made from laminated aluminum foil with an internal, copper flow wire. The tight construction of the shield covers 100% of the surface of the cable, protecting against all kinds of external interference. In addition, the shield prevents the appearance and spread of internal interferences as well as returns parasitic currents to the ground wire.
As standard, the cable is equipped with high-quality proprietary GigaWatt G-010G and G-030G Rhodium-plated pure copper connectors with large connection surfaces, which allow for steady current flow from the power grid. The contacts of both connectors are de-magnetized. All conductors are connected without the use of solder, and the connections to the plugs are bolted, which guarantees high reliability and optimal functionality.
Available connectors: EU (Schuko), US (Nema 5-20R), AU (AS/NZS 3112), IEC C15, IEC C19, PowerCon 32A
Next: System Context and Listening
Hello Christiaan
How would you compare the powersync ultra with the Ansuz cables you tested some time ago ?
Thanks a lot
Good question, I actually wondered about that myself! But it’s difficult to say without having both cables side by side. The GigaWatt was very stable throughout its running in period but the Ansuz changed significantly. On the whole, I would say there are similarities in that both cables sound full-blooded, smooth, and free-flowing. My best guesstimate is that ultimately the GigaWatt may be earthier (more grounded) and more neutral whereas the Ansus may more ethereal and more revealing in terms of low-level detail.
Thank you for the review.
When you describe your Belden cable I think their limitations may be due to the admittedlly excellent Oyaide connector, not “in spite” of them. I have a similar experience with mine – I use Western Electric cables actually: the 004 connectors can be too dry and agressive on some devices. They do wonders on my integrated amp but sounded harsh with a few dacs. For a warmer, a bit more forgiving if less open sound, I use the Oyaide 046.
I just ordered a LC2 Evo for my dac yesterday, before I saw your review actually. It’s comforting to see that a dac might be a good place to use it. I was searching the web to see if anyone reviewed it with a dac and I found just that here, so thanks again.
Did Gigawatt tell you when they’re going to replace the Evo 2 with a new Power Sync Supra… or Hypra or Sync++LCS4mk6? I didnt even know the LC3 evo was being replaced.
Sorry, I added my comment before realizing you were an expert in all things Oyaide! Just read the detailed piece you did a few years ago and couldn’t agree more.
Hi Thomas, no worries:-)
I’ve not been informed of any intent to replace the LC2 EVO. If you feel the C004 is dry or aggressive then I’m not sure if you’ll like the LC-2 EVO… here’s hoping it will be a good fit!
Hello Christiaan
What is your thoughts comparing belden 19364 with Oyaide C-004 IEC and Oyaide P-004e vs GigaWatt PowerSync plus?
Best regards,
Hi Matija, for that, you can take my notes as explained in the review for the Belden with the Bals schuko and Oyaide C-004 and add a little more smoothness and refinement. Otherwise, the Belden remains a Belden.
I find Belden on the harsh side, that is why I have supra lorad 2.5 mk2 now with bals/oyaide c-004, which certainly has a more natural sound. I’m thinking of upgrading with Oyaide P-004e which is quite expensive. For approximately the same money I could go with GigaWatt PowerSync plus. Which route to take ? What is better value for money ? Balanced sound is what I’m looking for.
Not sure as I have never used Supra cables. But even the highest-end connectors won’t make the Belden into something else. So why not just try the PowerSync Plus?