HFA Audio Setup History 17 – Secondary Setup – August 2015 to February 2016

Apogee Duetta Signature
Magnetostatic speakers (refurbished, with original crossovers)
Meridian 506.24
as CD transport
AudioAanZee Reference Flow
Music server direct via USB or over ethernet via EC Designs BBB
Roon and jRiver Media Center
on Windows PC via Devialet Air
Devialet 120
Integrated amplifier, DAC, Streaming endpoint
AudioQuest Castle Rock
Speaker cables
On the ceiling are 4 GiK 244 Basstraps originally put in place when my computer desk was still set up in this room. The nearfield Genelecs boomed terribly without them. I haven’t tested the room without them with the new setup and so I am not sure if they are still needed, but the sound is indeed surpisingly good considering that the speakers are so close to the rear wall and the listening seat is pretty close to the speakers.
Currently Solid Tech Radius racks are used. But I’m not very happy with their sound – the top levels are not bad actually, but the lower ones are overly damped and don’t sound good with most equipment.
The room is 7 meters deep and the listening sofa’s rear end is positioned precisely halfway the room at 3,5 meters which means that for the center position the head and ears are 2,7 meters from the speakers which are themselves very close to the rear wall. Still, the sound is very well-balanced and very precise, and so can be unforgiving, due to the total absence of room interactions.